Xiangyang Shi*, Inhan Lee, James R. Baker, Jr*. Acetylation of dendrimer-entrapped gold and silver nanoparticles. J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18, 586 – 593 (citation #68, impact factor 6.626).
Xiangdong Bi, Xiangyang Shi, James R. Baker, Jr. Synthesis, Characterization, and Stability of a Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone (LHRH)-Functionalized Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer Conjugate. J. Biomater. Sci.-Polym. Ed.2008, 19, 131–142 (citation #22, impact factor 1.900).
Ankur Desai, Xiangyang Shi, James R Baker, Jr. CE of poly(amidoamine) succinamic acid dendrimers using a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-coated capillary. Electrophoresis2008, 29, 510-515 (citation #8, impact factor 2.744).
Xiangyang Shi*, Su He Wang*, Scott D. Swanson,Song Ge, Zhengyi Cao, Mary Van Antwerp, Kevin J Landmark, James R. Baker, Jr*. Dendrimer-functionalized shell-crosslinked iron oxide nanoparticles for in vivo magnetic resonance imaging of tumors. Adv. Mater., 2008, 20, 1671-1678 (citation #187, impact factor 19.791). ESI.
Xiangyang Shi*, Kai Sun, and James R. Baker, Jr.* Spontaneous Formation of Functionalized Dendrimer-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2008, 112, 8251–8258 (citation #60, impact factor 4.536).
Rameshwer Shukla, Elliot Hill, Xiangyang Shi, Jinkoo Kim, Maria Muniz, Kai Sun, James R. Baker, Jr. Tumor microvasculature targeting with Dendrimer-Entrapped Gold Nanoparticles. Soft Matter2008, 4, 2160 - 2163 (impact factor 3.889, citation #42).
Qingguo Huang, Xiangyang Shi, Roger A. Pinto, Elijah Petersen, Walter J. Weber Jr. Tunable Synthesis and Immobilization of Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles for Environmental Applications. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, 8884-8889 (citation# 58, impact factor 6.198).
史向阳,沈明武,王苏河. 树状大分子修饰的多壁碳纳米管用于癌细胞的靶向诊断. 纳米科技与发展 2008, (4), 48-52.
Xiangyang Shi,* Suhe Wang, Haiping Sun, James R. Baker Jr.* Improved Biocompatibility of Dendrimer-Entrapped Gold Nanoparticles. Soft Matter2007, 3, 71 – 74. (citation #104, impact factor 3.889,Defined as a “hot article” for Soft Matter)
Xiangyang Shi,* Suhe Wang,*Sasha Meshinchi,Mary E. Van Antwerp,Xiangdong Bi, Inhan Lee,James R. Baker, Jr*.Dendrimer-Entrapped Gold Nanoparticles as a Nanoplatform for Cancer-Cell Targeting and Imaging. Small2007, 3, 1245-1252. (citation # 220, impact factor 8.643, This paper has been highlighted in National Cancer Institute NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer.
Xiangyang Shi,*Thommey Thomas, Lukasz A. Myc, Alina Kotlyar, James R. Baker, Jr.* Synthesis, Characterization, and Intracellular Uptake of Carboxyl-Terminated Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer-stabilized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2007, 9, 5712 - 5720. (Front cover of this issue, citation # 111, impact factor 4.123).
Su He Wang1a*, Xiangyang Shi1a*, Mary Van Antwerp 1, Zhengyi Cao1,Scott D. Swanson2, Xiangdong Bi1, James R. Baker, Jr.* Dendrimer-Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Specific Targeting and Imaging of Cancer Cells. Adv. Funct. Mater.2007, 17, 3043-3050. (Equal first authorship, citation #147, impact factor 12.124).
Xiangdong Bi, Xiangyang Shi, Rameshwer Shukla, Istvan J. Majoros, James R. Baker, Jr*. Multifunctional PAMAM Dendrimer-Taxol Conjugates: Synthesis, Characterization and Stability. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience2007, 4, 1179–1187.(citation #4, Impact factor 1.666).
Xiangyang Shi, Wojciech Lesniak, Mohammad T. Islam, Maria Mu?iz, Lajos P. Balogh, James R. Baker Jr. Comprehensive Characterization of Surface-Functionalized Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers with Acetamide, Hydroxyl, and Carboxyl Groups. Colloid Surf. A-Physicochem. Eng. Aspects2006, 272, 139-150. (citation #70, Impact factor 2.714)
Xiangyang Shi, T. Rose Ganser, Kai Sun, Lajos P. Balogh, James R. Baker, Jr. Characterization of Crystalline Dendrimer-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles. Nanotechnology2006, 17, 1072-1078 (citation # 86, Impact factor 3.440).
Xiangyang Shi, István J. Majoros, Anil K. Patri, Xiangdong Bi, Mohammad T. Islam, Ankur Desai, T. Rose Ganser, James R. Baker, Jr. Molecular heterogeneity analysis of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer-based mono- and multifunctional nanodevices by capillary electrophoresis. Analyst2006, 131, 374-381. (highlighted as the featured hot articles in issue 3 of The Analyst, 2006, vol. 131) (citation # 49, Impact factor 3.885)
Xiangyang Shi, Suhe Wang, Xisui Chen, Sasha Meshinchi, James R. Baker Jr. Encapsulation of Submicrometer-Sized 2-Methoxyestradiol Crystals into Polymer Multilayer Capsules for Biological Applications. Mol. Pharmaceutics2006, 3, 144-151. (citation # 16, impact factor 4.440)
Xiangyang Shi, István Banyai, Keyla Rodrigues, Mohammad T. Islam, Wojciech Lesniak, Peter Balogh, Lajos P. Balogh, James R. Baker, Jr. Electrophoretic Mobility and Molecular Distribution Studies of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers of Defined Charges. Electrophoresis2006, 27, 1758-1767.(citation # 20, Impact factor 2.744)
Xiangyang Shi,Xiangdong Bi, T. Rose Ganser, Seungpyo Hong, Lukasz A. Myc, Ankur Desai, Mark M. Banaszak Holl, James R. Baker, Jr. HPLC Analysis of Functionalized Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer Derivatives and Their Bindings with a Specific Protein. Analyst2006, 131, 842 – 848. (citation # 30, listed as one of the top 10 most accessed Analyst articles in July 2006, Impact factor 3.885).
Xiangyang Shi, Kai Sun, Lajos Balogh, James R. Baker, Jr. Synthesis, Characterization, and Manipulation of Dendrimer-Stabilized Iron Sulfide Nanoparticles. Nanotechnology2006,17,4554-4560 (citation # 32, impact factor 3.440). This paper has been downloaded over 250 times in the quarter (August 2006 to November 2006) and ranked at top 10% in all IOP journals articles. @
Mohammad T. Islam, Xiangyang Shi, Lajos P. Balogh, James R. Baker jr. HPLC separation of different generations of poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers modified with various terminal groups. Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, 2063-2070 (citation # 50, Impact factor 6.320).
Xiangyang Shi,Istvan Banyai, Mohammad T. Islam, Wojciech Lesniak, Denzel Z. Davis, James R. Baker jr, Lajos P. Balogh. Generational, Skeletal and Substitutional Diversities in Generation One Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers. Polymer2005,46,3022-3034. (citation #40, Impact factor 3.684)
Xiangyang Shi, Anil Patri, Wojciech Lesniak, Mohammad T. Islam, James R. Baker Jr, Lajos P. Balogh. Analysis of poly(amidoamine)-succinamic acid dendrimers by slab-gel electrophoresis and capillary zone electrophoresis. Electrophoresis2005, 26, 2960-2967. (citation # 41, Impact factor 2.744)
Xiangyang Shi,István Banyai, Wojciech Lesniak, Mohammad T. Islam, István Országh, Peter Balogh, James R. Baker, Jr, Lajos P. Balogh. Capillary electrophoresis of polycationic poly(amidoamine) dendrimers. Electrophoresis2005, 26, 2949-2959. (citation # 37, Impact factor 2.744)
Xiangyang Shi,Istvan J. Majoros, James R. Baker Jr. Capillary Electrophoresis of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers: From Simple Derivatives to Complex Multi-functional Medical Nanodevices. Invited review. Mol. Pharmaceutics2005, 2, 278-294. (citation # 51, impact factor 4.440)
Wojciech Lesniak, Anna Bielinska, Kai Sun, Katarzyna Janczak, Xiangyang Shi, James R. Baker, Jr., Lajos Balogh. Silver/Dendrimer Nanocomposites as Biomarkers: Fabrication,Characterization, In Vitro Toxicity and Intracellular Detection. Nano Lett.2005, 5, 2123-2130. (citation # 180, Impact factor 12.712)
Xiangyang Shi,*Mingwu Shen, Helmuth Moehwald. Polyelectrolyte multilayer nanoreactors toward the synthesis of diverse nanostructured materials. Invited review. Prog. Polym. Sci. 2004, 29, 987-1019. (citation #171, Impact factor 25.766)
Seungpyo Hong, Anna U. Bielinska, Almut Mecke, Balazs Keszler, James L. Beals, Xiangyang Shi, Lajos P. Balogh, Bradford G. Orr, James R. Baker Jr, Mark M. Banaszak- Holl. The interaction of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers with supported lipid bilayers and cells: hole formation and the relation to transport. Bioconjugate Chem.2004, 15, 774-782 (citation # 388, Impact factor 4.818). ESI paper #1.
Mamadou S. Diallo, Simone Christie, Pirabalini Swaminathan, Lajos P. Balogh, Xiangyang Shi, Wooyong Um, Charalambos Papelis, William A. Goddard III, and James H. Johnson, Jr. Dendritic Chelating Agents. 1. Cu(II) Binding to Ethylene Diamine Core Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers in Aqueous Solutions. Langmuir2004, 20, 2640-2651. (citation # 136, Impact factor 3.833)
Z. S. Chickneyan, Briseno, A. L., Xiangyang Shi, Shubo Han, Jiaxing Huang, Feimeng Zhou. Polyelectrolyte-mediated assembly of copper phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate multilayers: A novel route to synthesize nanoparticulate copper oxide thin films. J.Nanosci. Nanotechnol.2004, 4, 628-634 (citation # 5, Impact factor 1.483).
Shubo Han, Alejandro L. Briseno, Xiangyang Shi, Daisy A. Mah, and Feimeng Zhou. Polyelectrolyte-Coated Nanosphere Lithographic Patterning of Surfaces: Fabrication and Characterization of Electropolymerized Thin Polyaniline Honeycomb Films. J. Phys. Chem. B,2002, 106, 6465-6472. (citation # 49, Impact factor 3.177)
Xiangyang Shi, Shubo Han, Raymond J. Sanedrin, Cesar Galvez, David G. Ho, Billy Hernandez, Feimeng Zhou, Matthias Selke. Formation of Cobalt Oxide Nanotubes: Effect of Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding Between Co(III) Complex Precursors Incorporated onto Colloidal Templates. Nano Lett.2002, 2, 289-293.* (citation # 80, Impact factor 12.712)
Xiangyang Shi, Shubo Han, Raymond J. Sanedrin, Feimeng Zhou, Matthias Selke. Synthesis of Cobalt Oxide Nanotubes from Colloidal Particles Modified with a Co(III)-Cysteinato Precursor. Chem. Mater.2002, 14, 1897-1902. (citation # 56, Impact factor 9.466) O @
Xiangyang Shi, Raymond J. Sanedrin, Feimeng Zhou. Structural Characterization of Multilayered DNA and Polylysine Composite Films: Influence of Ionic Strength of DNA Solutions on the Extent of DNA Incorporation. J. Phys. Chem. B2002,106, 1173-1180.* (citation # 57, Impact factor 3.177)
Shubo Han, Xiangyang Shi, Feimeng Zhou. Polyelectrolyte Hollow Sphere Lithographic Patterning of Surfaces: Construction of 2-Dimensional Well-Ordered Metal Arrays. Nano Lett.2002, 2, 97-100. (citation #39, Impact factor 12.712)
Xiangyang Shi, Thierry Cassagneau, Frank Caruso. Electrostatic Interactions between Polyelectro-lytes and a Titania Precursor: Thin Film and Solution Studies. Langmuir2002,18(3), 904-910. (citation #66, Impact factor 3.833)
Wen Jin, Xiangyang Shi,Frank Caruso. High Activity Enzyme Microcrystal Multilayer Films. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2001, 123, 8121-8122.* (citation # 64, Impact factor 13.858)
Frank Caruso,Xiangyang Shi, Rachel A. Caruso, Andrei Susha. Hollow Titania Spheres from Layered Precursor Deposition on Sacrificial Colloidal Core Particles. Adv. Mater.2001, 13, 740-744. * (citation # 375, Impact factor 19.791)
Xiangyang Shi, Frank Caruso. Release Behavior of Thin-Walled Microcapsules Composed of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers. Langmuir2001, 17, 2036-2042.* (citation #115, Impact factor 3.833)
Xiangyang Shi, Wanyun Ma, Dieyan Chen. Separation of Two Isomers of Benzocarbazoles by B-Cyclodextrin Modified Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography. Chemia Analityczna2001, 46, 433-438 (Impact factor 0.520).
Xiangyang Shi,* Wanyun Ma, Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. The aggregation behavior of collagen in aqueous solution and its property of stabilizing liposomes in vitro. Biomaterials2001, 22 (12): 1627-1634. (citation # 18, Impact factor 8.402)
Junqi Wang, Xiangyang Shi, Songwei Zhang, Yuxia Lin, Guangwei Yang, Wanyun Ma, Dieyan Chen. Determination of BTEX compounds in Marine shallow sediments by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Rock and Mineral Analysis (in Chinese) 2001, 20 (1), 20. O
Xiangyang Shi, Junbai Li, Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. The aggregation and phase separation behavior of a hydrophobically modified poly(N-isopropylacrylamide). Colloid Surf. A-Physicochem. Eng. Aspects2000, 175, 41-49. (citation #16, Impact factor 2.714)
Xiangyang Shi, Junbai Li, Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. Water solution properties of a hydrophobically modified poly (n- isopropylacrylamide). J. Appl. Polym. Sci.2000, 75, 247-255. (citation #16, Impact factor 1.860)
Jun Li, Xiangyang Shi, Shikang Wu. A study on the phase change of poly(N-iso-propylacrylamide-co-acrylamide) aqueous solution by fluorescent probe. Acta Polymerica Sinica (in Chinese) 2000, (6), 763-767. (citation #3, Impact factor 0.433)
Jun Li, Xiangyang Shi, Shikang Wu.Diffusion process of fluorescence probe in measurement of the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of poly(n-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylamide) aqueous solution. Photographic Science and Photochemistry (in Chinese) 2000, 18(3), 208-213.
Baiming Deng, Xiangyang Shi*, Jinguang Deng, Caomin Sun, Weiliang Wong, Yi Wang. Improved Liposome Encapsulated Hemoglobin by Electret technology and its Influence on the Blood Rheologic Behavior in Vitro. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering (in Chinese) 2000, 17(1): 29-32.
Shuhu Wang, Xiangyang Shi, Wanyun Ma, Dieyan Chen, Ji'ang Liu. Determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene in marine sediments by using micelle electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Chinese Journal of Chromatography (in Chinese) 2000, 18(1): 77-79.
Junqi Wang, Xiangyang Shi, Guangwei Yang, Songwei Zhang, Yuxia Lin, Wanyun Ma, Dieyan Chen. Determination of BTEX Compounds in Debris Samples by Micellar electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography. Rock and Mineral Analysis (in Chinese) 2000, 19(2): 93-96.
Xiangyang Shi, Junqi Wang, Kexin He, Wanyun Ma, Dieyan Chen. Determination of BTEX Compounds in Core Samples by GC/MS. Rock and Mineral Analysis (in Chinese) 2000, 19(1): 1-3.
Xiangyang Shi, Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. Temperature-controlled release behavior of liposomes coated with NIPAM-ODA copolymers. Photographic Science and Photochemistry (in Chinese) 1999, 17(3): 208-216.
Xiangyang Shi, Shikang Wu. Study on the polarity of hydrophobically modified poly (N- isopropylacrylamides) copolymers micelles by the Kamlet-Taft solvatochromic method. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica (in Chinese) 1999, 15(2): 127-132. (citation # 1, Impact factor 0.767)
Xiangyang Shi, Junbai Li, Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. A study on the micelle and phase separation behavior of NIPAM-ODA copolymer in aqueous solution. Chem. Res. Chin. Univ. (in Chinese) 1999, 20(1): 135-139. (citation #5, Impact factor 1.024)
Xiangyang Shi, Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. Water solution properties of hydrophobically modified poly (N-isopropylacrylamides). Acta Polymerica Sinica (in Chinese) 1999, (2): 210-216. (citation #4, Impact factor 0.433)
Xiangyang Shi, Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. Photocontrolled release behavior of liposomes coated with a water-soluble copolymer containing azobenzene groups. Photographic Science and Photochemistry (in Chinese) 1999, 17(1): 38-44. (citation #2)
Xiangyang Shi, Shuhu Wang, Wanyun Ma, Dieyan Chen. Study on the Determination of Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Groundwater by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry (in Chinese) 1999, 16(5): 85-87.
Shuhu Wang, Xiangyang Shi, Wanyun Ma , Dieyan Chen, Ji’ang Liu. Determination of benzene homologue compounds in marine sediments by using micelle electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Journal of Instrumental Analysis (in Chinese)1999,18, 5-8.
Xiangyang Shi, Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. Evaluation of in vitro stability of small unilamellar vesicles coated with collagen and chitosan. Polymer International1999, 48: 212-216. (citation #3, Impact factor 2.070)
Pengfei Wang, Shikang Wu, Xiangyang Shi, Baiming Deng, Caomin Sun. The aggregation behavior of chitosan bioelectret in aqueous solution using fluorescence probe. Journal of Materials Science1998, 33: 1753-1757. (citation #18, Impact factor 2.599)
Xiangyang Shi, Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. Fluorescence probe study of chitosan association in aqueous solution. Photographic Science and Photochemistry (in Chinese) 1998, 16(2): 161-166. (citation #2)
Xiangyang Shi, Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. A study on collagen association state in aqueous solution using fluorescence probe. Acta Polymerica Sinica (in Chinese) 1998, (4): 406-411.
Xiangyang Shi, Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. Fluorescence studies of water-soluble polymer: solution properties, and their interactions with liposomes. Photographic Science and Photochemistry (in Chinese) 1998, 16 (4): 367-368
Xiangyang Shi,Caomin Sun, Shikang Wu. Evaluation of in vitro stability of small unilamellar vesicles coated with collagen and chitosan. Acta Biophysica Sinica (in Chinese) 1998, 14, 635-641.
Xiangyang Shi, Baiming Deng, Caomin Sun. Single polar compound bioelectret material and its influence on the cell growth. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology1997, 6(4): 327-335.
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