
当前位置:首页  研究团队  2014级  雷东


2015.03—至今  东华大学     纺织化学与染整工程   博士

2013.09-2015.03    东华大学     纺织化学与染整工程   硕士

2009.09-2013.06    武汉纺织大学  轻化工程          学士




2019/4:首届生物医用材料高分子材料学术大会  优秀墙报奖

2019/4:国际纺织生物医用材料大会  优秀口头报告奖;《科学与艺术》比赛银奖;《创新与实物》比赛铜奖

2019/6:“中国化学纤维工业协会·恒逸基金”优秀学术论文  二等奖


2014-2017: 兼职辅导员。


主要研究生物材料的3D打印技术,构建特定的三维微纳结构,学科交叉应用于血管、软骨、心脏、神经等组织修复领域。在生物材料、组织工程和再生医学领域发表SCI论文11篇。以第一作者或者共同第一作者在Mater. Horiz.Top一区,影响因子14.3,两篇), BiomaterialsTop一区,影响因子10.2, Acta BiomaterialiaTop一区,影响因子6.6,一篇)Adv. Healthc. Mater.Top一区,影响因子6.2,两篇)等学术期刊发表SCI论文共计7篇。


(1) Lei, D.et al.A general strategy of 3D printing thermosets for diverse applications. Materials Horizons, 2019, 6, 394-404.

(2) Lei, D. et al.3D printing of perfusable and permeable hierarchical microchannel networks for tissue regeneration. Materials Horizons, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9MH00174C.

(3) Gong, W.#; Lei, D.# et al. Hybrid small-diameter vascular grafts: Anti-expansion effect of electrospun poly ε-caprolactone on heparin-coated decellularized matrices. Biomaterials, 2016, 76, 359-370.

(4) Yang. Y#; Lei, D.# et al. Elastic 3D printed hybrid polymeric scaffold improves cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 10.1002/adhm. 201900065.

(5) Xiao, B.#; Yang, W.#; Lei, D.# et al. PGS scaffolds promote the in vivo survival and directional differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells restoring the morphology and function of the wounded rat uterus. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2019, 1801455.