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2. W. Fan, L. S. Zhang, T. X. Liu*. Multifunctional second barrier layers for lithium-sulfur batteries.
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4. F. L. Lai, Y. Wang, D. D. Li, X. S. Sun, J. Peng, X. D. Zhang*, Y. P. Tian, T. X. Liu*. Visible light-driven superoxide generation by conjugated polymers for organic synthesis.
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5. Y. P. Huang, F. Cui, Y. Zhao, J. B. Lian, J. Bao, T. X. Liu*, H. M. Li*. 3D hierarchical CMF/MoSe2 composite foam as highly efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution.
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7. Y. E. Miao, J. J. Yan, Y. Ouyang, H. Y. Lu, F. L. Lai, Y. Wu, T. X. Liu*. A bio-inspired N-doped porous carbon electrocatalyst with hierarchical superstructure for efficient oxygen reduction reaction.
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8. F. L. Lai, G. Y. Zhou, F. Li, Z. H. He, D. Y. Yong, W. Bai, Y. P. Huang, W. Weei Tjiu, Y. E. Miao*. B. C. Pan, T. X. Liu*. Highly dual-heteroatom-doped ultrathin carbon nanosheets with expanded interlayer distance for efficient energy storage.
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9. Y. Liu, J. X. Zhu, J. S. Xu, S. L. Liu, L. Li, C. Zhang*, T. X. Liu*. High-temperature solvent-free sulfidation of MoO3 confined in a polypyrrole shell: MoS2 nanosheets encapsulated in a nitrogen, sulfur dual-doped carbon nanoprism for efficient lithium storage.
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10. Z. Q. Huang, L. Li, Y. F. Wang, C. Zhang*, T. X. Liu. Polyaniline/graphene nanocomposites towards high-performance supercapacitors: A review.
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11. M. K. Liu, Q. H. Meng, Z. Y. Yang, X. S. Zhao*, T. X. Liu*. Ultra-long-term cycling stability of an integrated carbon–sulfur membrane with dual shuttle-inhibiting layers of graphene nets and a porous carbon skin.
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12. Z. Zhao, S. L. Liu, J. X. Zhu, J. S. Xu, L. Li, Z.Q. Huang, C. Zhang*, T. X. Liu*. Hierarchical nanostructures of nitrogen-doped porous carbon polyhedrons confined in carbon nanosheets for high-performance supercapacitors.
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13. Y. Liu, L. Li, J. X. Zhu, J. S. Xu, S. L. Liu, Y. F. Wang, C. Zhang*, T. X. Liu*. A biomimetic setaria viridis-inspired electrode with polyaniline nanowire arrays aligned on MoO3@polypyrrole core-shell nanobelts.
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14. Y. P. Huang, F. Cui, Y. Zhao, J. B. Lian, J. Bao, T. X. Liu*, H. M. Li*. NiMoO4 nanorod deposited carbon sponges with ant-nest-like interior channels for high-performance pseudocapacitors.
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15. X. B. Zhu, L. L. Mo, Y. Wu, F. L. Lai, X. M. Han, X. Y Ling, T. X. Liu, Y. E. Miao*. Self-supported MoS2@NHCF fiber-in-tube composites with tunable voids for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction.
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16. Y. F. Zhang, W. Fan*, H. Y. Lu, T. X. Liu*. Highly porous polyimide-derived carbon aerogel as advanced three-dimensional framework of electrode materials for high-performance supercapacitors.
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17. W. Zong, F. L. Lai*, G. J. He, J. R. Feng, W. Wang, R. Q. Lian, Y. E. Miao, G. C. Wang, I. P. Parkin, T. X. Liu*. Sulfur-deficient bismuth sulfide/nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers as advanced free-standing electrode for asymmetric supercapacitors.
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18. W. Fan, Y. Q. Shi, W. Gao, Z. Sun, T. X. Liu*. Graphene-carbon nanotube aerogel with a scroll-interconnected-sheet structure as an advanced framework for a high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor electrode.
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19. J. Wang, C. M. Fu, X. F. Wang, Y. M. Yao, M. L. Sun, L. N. Wang*, T. X. Liu*. Three-dimensional hierarchical porous TiO2/graphene aerogels as promising anchoring materials for lithium‒sulfur batteries.
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20. Z. Yang, X. M. Han, H. K. Lee, G. C. Phan-Quang, C. S. L. Koh, C. L. Lay, Y. H. Lee, Y. E. Miao, T. X. Liu*, I. Y. Phang*, X. Y. Ling*. Shape-dependent thermo-plasmonic effect of nanoporous gold at the nanoscale for ultrasensitive heat-mediated remote actuation.
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21. M. L. Sun, X. F. Wang, J. Wang, H. Yang, L. N. Wang*, T. X. Liu. Assessment on the self-discharge behavior of lithium−sulfur batteries with LiNO3‑possessing electrolytes.
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22. L. N. Wang*, X. F. Wang, J. Y. Liu, H. Yang, C. M. Fu, Y. Y. Xia*, T. X. Liu*. A rechargeable metal-free full-liquid sulfur–bromine battery for sustainable energy storage.
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23. G. Y. Zhou, Y. E. Miao*, Z. X. Wei, L. L. Mo, F. L. Lai, Y. Wu, J. M. Ma*, T. X. Liu*. Bio-inspired micro/nanofluidic ion transport channels for organic cathodes in high-rate and ultra-stable lithium/sodium-ion batteries. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 1804629. []

24. X. Luo, X. B. Lu, G. Y. Zhou, X. Y. Zhao, Y. Ouyang, X. B. Zhu, Y. E. Miao*, T. X. Liu. Ion-selective polyamide acid nanofiber separators for high-rate and stable lithium-sulfur batteries.
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25. J. Yang, Y Liu, C. S Shi, J. X. Zhu, X. F. Yang, S. L. Liu, L. Li, Z. W. Xu*, C. Zhang*, T. X. Liu*. Carbon nanotube with vertical 2D molybdenum sulphoselenide nanosheet arrays for boosting electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution.
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26. H. Y. Lu, C. Zhang, Y. F. Zhang, Y. P. Huang, M. K. Liu*, T. X. Liu*. Simultaneous growth of carbon nanotubes on inner/outer surfaces of porous polyhedra: Advanced sulfur hosts for lithium-sulfur batteries.
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