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We sincerely welcome undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral students with relevant professional backgrounds to participate in our Mengtai group, especially those with interdisciplinary backgrounds in biomedicine, physics, microelectronics and textiles. If you are interested, please send your resume to

For those who intend to apply as postgradute students
  Have a certain understanding of the research direction of the research group, and have certain scientific research experience at undergraduate level.
For those who intend to apply as doctoral students
   Published 1 paper and above in related research fields.
For the postdoctoral fellows

1.Research directions 
   [1]Energy,sensing materials and their devices

   [2]Organic-inorganic hybrid materials and their appication in biomimetic restoration

2.Application conditions

   [1] Majors in materials science and engineering, textile science and engineering, biomedicine, chemical engineering, physics, electronic information, etc., have obtained a doctorate or have been awarded a doctoral degree. We will give priority for those who can arrive at college before October 2019.

   [2] Strong English reading and writing skills

   [3] Strong independent research and analytical ability

3.Employment period

   [1] Annual salary of ¥180,000-250,000, fully paid Insurance and a housing provident fund according to Shanghai postdoctoral policy, Shanghai residence registration (considered resident).

   [2] Can apply for China Postdoctoral Fund Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China

   [3] Those who have achieved outstanding results during the post-doctoral period can be provided opportunities such as being recommended for college teaching. Out-of-town students can participate in the evaluation of professional technical positions in the school.

4.Work place

   State Key Lab for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University Songjiang Campus (Songjiang District, Shanghai 201620)

5.Application materials


   [2]Achievements representing individual academic level

6.Cooperation tutor

   Professor Meifang Zhu, a National Outstanding Youth Fund winner and Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor, is the Dean for the School of Materials and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Fiber Materials Modification of Donghua University. She has long been engaged in organic/inorganic hybrid materials, nano-hybrid intelligent hydrogels, fiber forming processing and theory, Basic research and application development of bio-based fibers and biomedical materials. Professor Zhu has undertaken more than 30 tasks entrusted by the provincial departments and enterprises, published more than 200 papers in SCI journals including Adv Mater, Macromolecules, Chem Commun and other journals, published 7 monographs (chapters), and authorized more than 100 invention patents.