1. LixiangMa, Jingwei Zhang, CuiqingTeng*.Covalent functionalization of aramid fibers with zinc oxidenano-interphase for improved UV resistance and interfacial strengthin composites.CompositesScience and Technology 2020,188, 107996.
2. JingweiZhang, CuiqingTeng*.Nondestructive growing nano-ZnO on aramid fibers to improve UVresistance and enhance interfacial strength in composites. Materials& Design 2020,192, 108774.
3.MengjieLi, Yufan Zhu, CuiqingTeng*.Facile fabrication of aramid composite insulating paper with highstrength and good thermal conductivity. CompositesCommunications 2020,21, 100370.
4. CuiqingTeng*,Hui Li, Jing Liu, Hao Gu, Haijuan Kong, Muhuo Yu. Effect of highmolecular weight PPTA on liquid crystalline phase and spinningprocess of aramid fibers. Polymers 2020,12(5), 1206.
5.CuiqingTeng*,Tao Wang, Minglin Qin, Haijuan Kong, Jingwei Zhang, Muhuo Yu. Faciledispersion of aramid pulp by matrix sizing agent and reinforcedrubber composites. PolymerComposites, 2020,41:4583-4592
6.GuofenXu, Mengjie Li, Tingting Wu, CuiqingTeng*.Highly compressible and anisotropic polyimide aerogels containingaramid nanofibers. Reactiveand Functional Polymers 2020,154, 104672.
7.ZhaominLi, Baihua Liu, Haijuan Kong, Muhuo Yu*, Minglin Qin*, CuiqingTeng*.Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly Strategy for Surface Modification ofAramid Fibers to Enhance Interfacial Adhesion to EpoxyResin. Polymers 2018,10, 820.
8. MinglinQin, Haijuan Kong, Kang Zhang,CuiqingTeng*, MuhuoYu*, Yaozu Liao*. Simple Synthesis of Hydroxyl and EthyleneFunctionalized Aromatic Polyamides as Sizing Agents to ImproveAdhesion Properties of Aramid Fiber/Viny1 EpoxyComposites. Polymers 2017, 9,143.
9.MinglinQin, Jing liu, Keqing Han, Fan Yu, CuiqingTeng*,Muhuo Yu*. Effect of surface treatment on the mechanical performanceof PPTA-pulp reinforced rubber composites in supercritical carbondioxide Fluid. MaterialsScience Forum 2017,898:2231-2238