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Hydrogen-bonded network enables semi-interpenetrating ionic conductive hydrogels with high stretchability and excellent fatigue resistance for capacitive/resistive bimodal sensors

Ao Wang; Yufeng Wang; Bing Zhang; Kening Wan; Jixin Zhu; Jingsan Xu; Chao Zhang*; Tianxi Liu*; Hydrogen-bonded network enables semi-interpenetrating ionic conductive hydrogels with high stretchability and excellent fatigue resistance for capacitive/resistive bimodal sensors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 411: 128506.

版权所有:东华大学高分子微纳结构与功能复合材料课题组        地址:上海市松江区人民北路2999号        E-mail:czhang@dhu.edu.cn