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Gradient phosphorus-doping engineering and superficial amorphous reconstruction in NiFe2O4 nanoarrays to enhance the oxygen evolution electrocatalysis

W. Zong, D. W. Rao, H. L. Guo, Y. Ouyang, Y. E. Miao, W. Wang, J. Wang, F. L. Lai*, T. X. Liu*. Gradient phosphorus-doping engineering and superficial amorphous reconstruction in NiFe2O4 nanoarrays to enhance the oxygen evolution electrocatalysis. Nanoscale 2020, 12, 10977.

版权所有:东华大学高分子微纳结构与功能复合材料课题组        地址:上海市松江区人民北路2999号        E-mail:czhang@dhu.edu.cn