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Shape-dependent thermo-plasmonic effect of nanoporous gold at the nanoscale for ultrasensitive heat-mediated remote actuation

Shape-dependent thermo-plasmonic effect of nanoporous gold at the nanoscale for ultrasensitive heat-mediated remote actuation. Z. Yang, X. M. Han, H. K. Lee, G. C. Phan-Quang, C. S. L. Koh, C. L. Lay, Y. H. Lee, Y. E. Miao, T. X. Liu*, I. Y. Phang*, and X. Y. Ling*. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 16005.

版权所有:东华大学高分子微纳结构与功能复合材料课题组        地址:上海市松江区人民北路2999号        E-mail:czhang@dhu.edu.cn