发布人:陈志钢  发布时间:2016-10-11   浏览次数:328


主讲人:   张玉海博士


地点:   分析测试中心B309

时间:   2015-11-2 (周一) 14:00

摘要 Barcoding materials have been widely used as luminescent probes for multiplexed assays in biological species because of their distinct optical characteristics. The use of these materials for anti-counterfeiting applications has also attracted much attention in recent years. However, their application in practical settings has been largely hindered by high-cost materials fabrication, low reaction yields, complex instrumentation set-up, and high background noise when excited by common ultraviolet or visible light sources. Herein, we report the rational design and synthesis of multicolor-banded upconversion barcodes based on tip-modified hexagonal-phase NaYF4microrods with large-scale production. With varying sets of activators, we prepare a library of single-crystal-based upconversion barcodes comprising different combinations of three primary colors (red, green, and blue) that are easily readable with conventional optical microscopes. We also demonstrate the use of these optical materials as barcodes for security inking and cell tracking applications.

主讲人介绍:张玉海于2007年在山东大学获化学学士学位,2010年于韩国嘉泉生物纳米研究所获硕士学位,2011年在该所任研究员。他于2015年在新加坡国立大学化学系取得博士学位,师从刘小钢教授,主要研究稀土上转换发光材料、光学仪器等。以第一作者身份在Nature NanotechnologyNature CommunicationsJournal of the American Chemical Society等期刊发表论文多篇。