| 秦宗益 男 1966-07-13 学位:博士 职称:研究员 所属部门:高分子科学与工程系 导师身份:博士生导师 课题组:蒙泰课题组 |
社会兼职: 为十几家国际知名刊物担任审稿人,包括Advanced Materials, Energy & Environmental Science, Carbon, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, Electrochimica Acta, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, NPG Asia Materials, Nanotechnology, Nanoscale, Chemical Engineering Journal和Cellulose等。
主要论文: 2012年以来发表的研究论文(均为通讯联系人): [1] Banglei Liang, ZONGYI QIN, Tao Li, Zhenjun Dou, Fanxin Zeng, Yameng Cai, Zhe Zhou, Meifang Zhu, Poly(aniline–co–pyrrole) on the surface of reduced graphene oxide as high–performance electrode materials for supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 2015 (DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2015.01.135) [2] Tao Li, ZONGYI QIN, Banglei Liang, Fei Tian, Jianyun Zhao, Na Liu, Meifang Zhu, Morphology-dependent capacitive properties of three nanostructured polyanilines through interfacial polymerization in various acidic media, Electrochimica Acta, 2015 (DOI:10.1016/j.electacta.2015.03.169) [3] Xin Liu, ZONGYI QIN, Zhenjun Dou, Na Liu, Long Chen, Meifang Zhu, Fabricating conductive poly(ethylene terephthalate) nonwoven fabrics by using aqueous dispersion of reduced graphene oxides as sheet dyestuffs, RSC Advances, 4(45), 23869-23875 (2014) [4] Banglei Liang, ZONGYI QIN, Jianyun Zhao, Yu Zhang, Zhe Zhou, Yaqing Lu, Controlled Synthesis, core–shell structure and electrochemical properties of polyaniline/polypyrrole composite nanofibers, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (1), 251-258 (2014) [5] Miao Cheng, ZONGYI QIN, Yannan Liu, Yunfeng Qin, Tao Li, Long Chen and Meifang Zhu, Efficient extraction of carboxylated spherical cellulose nanocrystals with narrow distribution through hydrolysis of lyocell fibers by using ammonium persulfate as oxidant, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (1), 251 - 258 (2014) [6] Houyong Yu, ZONGYI QIN, Surface grafting of cellulose nanocrystals with poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), Carbohydrate Polymers, 101: 471–478 (2014) [7] Houyong Yu, ZONGYI QIN, Banglei Liang, Na Liu, Zhe Zhou, Long Chen, Facile fabrication of thermally stable cellulose nanocrystals with high yield of 93% through hydrochloric acid hydrolysis under hydrothermal condition, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1(12): 3938–3944 (2013) [8] Weinan Xu, ZONGYI QIN, Houyong Yu, Yannan Liu, Na Liu, Zhe Zhou, Long Chen, Cellulose nanocrystals as organic nanofillers for transparent polycarbonate films, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15: 1562-1-8 (2013) [9] Xin Liu, ZONGYI QIN, Xiaolin Zhang, Long Chen, Meifang Zhu, Conductive polypyrrole/polyurethane composite fibers for chloroform gas detection, Advanced Materials Research 750-752: 55-58 (2013) [10] Fei Tian, ZONGYI QIN,Qian Wu, Na Liu, Yaqing Lu, Effects of reaction conditions on microstructures and properties of polyaniline nanofibers through interfacial polymerization, Advanced Materials Research 750-752: 293-296 (2013) [11] Jieni Luo, ZONGYI QIN,Qian Wu, Zhe Zhou, Yaqing Lu, Polyaniline nanofibers produced via rapid initiated polymerization in a binary oxidant system, Advanced Materials Research 750-752: 297-300 (2013) [12] Xiaolin Zhang, ZONGYI QIN, Xin Liu, Banglei Liang, Na Liu, Zhe Zhou, Meifang Zhu, Flexible sensing fibers based on polyaniline–coated polyurethane for chloroform vapor detection, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1: 10327-10333 (2013). [13] Qingqing Fan, ZONGYI QIN, Shanglin Gao, Yongtao Wu, Jürgen Pionteck, Edith Mader, Meifang Zhu, The use of a carbon nanotube layer on a polyurethane multifilament substrate for monitoring strains as large as 400%, Carbon 50(11): 4085-4092 (2012) [14] Houyong Yu, ZONGYI QIN, Yannan Liu, Long Chen, Na Liu, Zhe Zhou, Simultaneous improvement of mechanical properties and thermal stability of bacterial polyester by cellulose nanocrystals, Carbohydrate Polymers 89(3): 971–978 (2012) [15] Houyong Yu, ZONGYI QIN, Lingfeng Wang, Zhe Zhou, Crystallization behavior and hydrophobic properties of biodegradable ethyl cellulose-g-poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate): The influence of the side-chain length and grafting density. Carbohydrate Polymers 87: 2447-2454 (2012) [16] Qinqing Fan, Xiaolin Zhang, ZONGYI QIN, Preparation of Polyaniline/ Polyurethane Fibers and Their Piezoresistive Property, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics 51(4), 736-746 (2012) [17] Xiaolin Zhang, ZONGYI QIN, Long Chen, Fabrication of Conductive Polypyrrole/Polyurethane Composite Fibers for Large Strain Sensing, Advanced Materials Research 482-484: 1142-1145 (2012) [18] Houyong Yu, ZONGYI QIN. Effect of Cellulose nanocrystal on Crystallization Behavior of Poly(3–hydroxybutyrate–co–3–hydroxyvalerate). Advanced Materials Research 430-432: 20-23 (2012) 主要代表作: [1] Li Li, ZONGYI QIN, Xia Liang, Qingqing Fan, Yaqing Lu, Wenhua Wu, Meifang Zhu, Facile Fabrication of Uniform Core-Shell Structured Carbon Nanotube-Polyaniline Nanocomposites, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113(14): 5502–5507 (2009) (Cited number: 81) [2] Yi Zhou, ZONGYI QIN, Li Li, Yu Zhang, Yuling Wei, Lingfeng Wang and Meifang Zhu, Polyaniline/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites with core–shell structures as supercapacitor electrode materials, Electrochimica Acta, 55(12): 3904-3908 (2010) (Cited number: 119) [3] Qingsheng Liu, Meifang Zhu, Wenhua Wu, ZONGYI QIN, Reducing the formation of six-membered ring ester during thermal degradation of biodegradable PHBV to enhance its thermal stability, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 94(1): 18-24 (2009) (Cited number: 40) [4] Houyong Yu, ZONGYI QIN, Banglei Liang, Na Liu, Zhe Zhou, Long Chen, Facile fabrication of thermally stable cellulose nanocrystals with high yield of 93% through hydrochloric acid hydrolysis under hydrothermal condition,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1(12): 3938–3944 (2013) (Cited number: 30) [5] Houyong Yu, ZONGYI QIN, Yannan Liu, Long Chen, Na Liu, Zhe Zhou, Simultaneous improvement of mechanical properties and thermal stability of bacterial polyester by cellulose nanocrystals, Carbohydrate Polymers 89(3): 971-978 (2012). (Cited number: 30) [6] Qingqing Fan, ZONGYI QIN, Tobias Villmow, Jürgen Pionteck, Petra P?tschke, Yongtao Wu, Brigitte Voit, Meifang Zhu, Vapor sensing properties of thermoplastic polyurethane multifilament covered with carbon nanotube networks, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 156(1), 57-61 (2011) (Cited number: 21) [7] Li Li, ZONGYI QIN, Lingfeng Wang, Hong-Jin Liu, Mei-Fang Zhu, Anchoring alpha-manganese oxide nanocrystallites on multi-walled carbon nanotubes as electrode materials for supercapacitor, J Nanoparticle Research 12(2010)2349–2353 (Cited number: 20)
授权的专利: [1] 秦宗益、刘彦男等,一种空心超顺磁性纳米球的制备方法及其应用,ZL 201210513705.4 [2] 秦宗益、刘欣等,一种采用浸染技术制备的导电织物及其应用,ZL 201210454848.2 [3] 秦宗益、刘彦男等,一种羧基化纤维素纳米球及其制备方法,ZL 201210435306.0 [4] 秦宗益、张晓琳等,一种导电复合纤维及其制备方法,ZL 201210437061.5 [5] 秦宗益、余厚咏等,一种纳米银/纤维素纳米晶复合粒子的制备方法,ZL 201210238098.5 [6] 秦宗益,骆洁妮等,一种可卷曲的无支撑碳纳米管气敏膜及其制备方法,ZL 201210105297.9 [7] 秦宗益,张天鹭等,一种单分散聚氨酯/聚吡咯复合纳米弹性球及其制备方法,ZL 201110418203.9 [8] 秦宗益, 余厚咏等,一种纤维素纳米晶增强聚羟基丁酸戊酸酯纳米纤维及其制备方法, ZL201110401211.2 [9] 秦宗益,余厚咏等,一种无溶剂固-固相变储能材料的制备方法,ZL 2011 10159365.5 [10] 秦宗益,范青青等,一种弹性导电复合纤维及其制备方法,ZL 2011 10009585.X [11] 秦宗益,范青青等,一种三元同轴复合导电纤维及其制备方法,ZL 2011 1 0075961.5 [12] 秦宗益,刘彦男等,一种基于废弃Lyocell纤维制备纤维素纳米球的方法, ZL 201110199585.0 [13] 秦宗益,王凌凤等,一种瓣状二氧化锰纳米晶包覆碳纳米管复合电极材料的制备方法,ZL 2010 10256458.5 [14] 秦宗益,张瑜等,核壳结构的聚苯胺/聚吡咯复合纳米纤维电极材料的制备,ZL 201010228217.X [15] 秦宗益,余厚咏等,生物可降解的固-固相变纳米纤维或纤维膜的制备方法,ZL 2010 10513771.2 [16] 秦宗益、余厚咏等,一种窄分布纤维素纳米晶制备方法, ZL 201010575030.7 [17] 秦宗益,范青青等,一种柔性碳纳米管-聚氨酯红外敏感薄膜及其制备方法,ZL 200910199519.6 [18] 秦宗益,潘鼎等,无皮芯结构聚丙烯腈基碳纤维原丝的凝胶纺丝原液及其制备, ZL 2009 1 0200222.7 [19] 秦宗益,范青青等,具有高导电率与高弹性及应力传感性能的复合纤维及其制备方法,ZL 2009 1 0046590.0 [20] 秦宗益,朱美芳等,一种原位合成聚羟基脂肪酸酯嵌段共聚物的方法, ZL 2008 1 0207404.2 [21] 秦宗益,李立等,有核壳结构碳纳米管/导电高分子纳米杂化电极材料制备,ZL 2008 1 0207241.8 [22] 刘庆生,秦宗益等,一种高热稳定性聚羟基脂肪酸酯的制备方法,ZL 2007 1 0047278.4
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