






2014. 09-2016.08



2016. 09-2020.02




2020. 03-2021.01



2021. 01-2023.01



2023. 01-2023.03


研究集中于电极材料晶体结构、缺陷化学和结构限域对界面化学的影响,及其在柔性储能等相关应用领域的研究。迄今共发表SCI期刊论文64篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Adv. Mater.J. Am. Chem. Soc.ACS Energy Lett.2篇)、Adv. Energy Mater.3篇)、ACS NanoAdv. Funct. Mater.2篇)、Energy Storage Mater.3篇)Adv. Sci.Appl. Catal. BChem. Sci. J. Mater. Chem. A8篇)和Small8篇)等国际学术期刊上发表SCI论文49篇(入选ESI高被引论文9篇),论文累计总被引4600余次,H-index=33(谷歌学术)。受Wiley出版社邀请共同撰写英文专著章节1部。


[1] Liu, S.; Lee, S. C.; Patil, U. M.; Ray, C.; Sankar, K. V.; Zhang, K.; Kundu, A.; Park, J. H.; Jun, S. C.*, High-performance flexible quasi-solid-state supercapacitors realized by molybdenum dioxide@nitrogen-doped carbon and copper-cobalt sulfide tubular nanostructures. Advanced Science, 5, 1800733 (2018).

[2] Liu, S., Yin, Y., Hui, K. S., Hui, K. N.*, Lee, S. C., Jun, S. C.*, Phosphorous-containing oxygen-deficient cobalt molybdate as an advanced electrode material for supercapacitors. Energy Storage Materials,19, 186-196(2019).

[3] Liu, S., Ni, D., Li, H. F., Hui, K. N.*, Ouyang, C. Y.*, Jun, S. C*. New insight into the effect of fluorine doping and oxygen vacancies on electrochemical performance of Co2MnO4 for flexible quasi-solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors. Energy Storage Materials, 22, 384-396 (2019).

[4] Liu, S., Yin, Y., Ni, D., San Hui, K., Hui, K. N.*, Lee, S. Jun, S. C*. Phosphorus-mediated MoS2 nanowires as a high-performance electrode material for quasi-solid-state sodium-ion intercalation supercapacitors. Small, 4, 1803984 (2019).

[5] Liu, S.; Kang, L.; Kim, J. M.; Chun, Y. T.; Zhang, J.; Jun, S. C*. Recent advances in vanadium-based aqueous rechargeable zinc-ion batteries. Advanced Energy Materials, 10, 2000477 (2020).

[6] Liu, S., Kang, L., Zhang, J., Jung, E., Lee, S., Jun, S. C. Structural engineering and surface modification of MOF-derived cobalt-based hybrid nanosheets for flexible solid-state supercapacitors. Energy Storage Materials, 32, 167-177 (2020).

[7] Liu, S., Yin, Y., Shen, Y., Hui, K. S., Hui, K. N.*, Zhang, L.P*, Jun, S. C*. Phosphorus regulated cobalt oxide@nitrogen-doped carbon nanowires for flexible quasi-solid-state supercapacitors. Small, 16, 1906458 (2020).

[8] Liu, S.; Kang,; Jun, S. C*. Challenges and strategies towards cathode materials for rechargeable potassium-ion batteries. Advanced Materials, 33, 2004689 (2021).

[9] Liu, S.; Kang*, L.; Hu, J; Jeol, E; Zhang, J.; Jun, S. C*; Yamauchi, Y*. Unlocking the potential of oxygen-deficient copper-doped Co3O4 nanocrystals confined in carbon as an advanced electrode for flexible solid-state supercapacitors. ACS Energy Letters, 6, 3011-3019 (2021).

[10] Liu, S.; Kang, L.; Zhang, J.; Jun, S. C*; Yamauchi, Y*. Carbonaceous anode materials for nonaqueous sodium- and potassium-ion hybrid capacitors.ACS Energy Letters, 6, 4127–4154 (2021).

[11] Liu, S., Kang*, L., Henzie, J., Zhang*, J., Ha, J., Amin, M. A., Yamauchi*, Y. Realizing superior redox kinetics of hollow bimetallic sulfide nanoarchitectures by defect-induced manipulation toward flexible solid-state supercapacitors. Small.8, 2104507 (2022).

[12] Yan, Y., Lin, J., Xu, T., Liu, B., Huang, K., Qiao, L., Liu, S.*, Cao, J., Jun, S.C., Yamauchi, Y.* and Qi, J.* Atomic-level platinum filling into Ni-vacancies of dual-deficient NiO for boosting electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution.Advanced Energy Materials, 12, 2200434 (2022).

[13] Chen, J., Liu, B., Cai, H., Liu, S.*, Yamauchi, Y. and Jun, S.C*. Covalently interlayertrochemical energy conversioheterostructures for aqueous potassium ion supercapacitors. Small, 2022. doi.org/10.1002/smll.202204275 (2022).

[14] Wang, T., Wang, P., Pan, L., He, Z. *, Dai, L., Wang, L., Liu, S. *, Jun, S.C., Lu, B., Liang, S. and Zhou, J*. Stabling zinc metal anode with polydopamine regulation through dual effects of fast desolvation and ion confinement. Advanced Energy Materials, 13, 2203523 (2023).

[15] Li, B., Liu, S., Geng Y., Mao, C., Dai, L., Wang, L., Jun, S. C., Lu, B., He, Z.*, Zhou, J*. Achieving stable zinc metal anode via polyaniline interface regulation of Zn ion flux and desolvation.Advanced Functional Materials, adfm202214033 (2023).

[16] Cao, H., Zhang, X., Xie, B., Huang, X., Xie, F., Huo, Y.,Liu, S.*, Lin, D*. Unraveling the solvation structure and electrolyte interface through carbonyl chemistry for durable and dendrite-free Zn anode.Advanced Functional Materials, adfm.202305683 (2023).

[17] Peng, Z., Li, Y., Ruan, P., He, Z.*, Dai, L., Liu, S.*, Wang, L., Jun, S. C., Lu, B., Zhou, J*.  Metal-organic frameworks and beyond: The road toward zinc-based batteries. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 488, 215190 (2023).

[18] Liu, S., Kang, L., Zhang, J., Jun, S. C.*, Yamauchi, Y*. Sodium pre-intercalation induced oxygen-deficient hydrated potassium manganese oxide for high-energy flexible Mg-ion supercapacitor.NPG Asia Materials, 9, 15 (2023).

[19] Tian, Y.*, Guo, L., Qiao, C., Sun, Z.*, Yamauchi, Y., Liu, S.* Dynamics-driven tailoring of sub-nanometric Pt-Ni bimetals confined in hierarchical zeolite for catalytic hydrodeoxygenation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 336, 122945 (2023).

[20] Yan, Y.#,Lin, J.#, Huang, K., Zheng, X., Qiao, L., Liu, S.*, Cao, J., Jun, S. C., Yamauchi, Y.* Qi, J.* Tensile strain mediated spinel ferrites enabling superior oxygen evolution activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, doi.org/10.1021/jacs.08598q (2023).

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